Sunday, October 28, 2012

Red Bird Mission Trip leaving May 4, 2013

Red Bird Mission Trip leaving May 4, 2013, and returning May 11, 2013


Don't miss this opportunity to show God's love in rural Appalachia. In 2012 we completely replaced the bathroom and painted the exterior of the Wagers home. They were the most appreciative family you could ever meet. We also did some maintenance work in the office on campus, and helped in the opportunity store. We took baby supplies to Suzanne Pohli ( a missionary from our conference) for her missionary work she does with the Women’s and Children’s Ministries at Red Bird Mission. We also re-visited the home of a lady we did work for in 2008. She was pleased that we remembered her.

You don't have to have a skill. You will learn one. At people's homes there is roofing, painting, plumbing, general fixing-up and an opportunity to share the love of Jesus.

All kinds of tasks are needed on campus, too. There is office work, craft store help, community store work, and general maintenance.

The week will lift your spirits as you commune with your fellow Christian workers and the local residents.

In May 2012 we took a group from 6 different churches, from all over our annual conference. Age doesn't matter either, the age of our group is between 20 and 71.

The Red Bird Mission is in Beverly, KY. You can go to their web site to get an idea of what they are all about.

If you would like more information please call or e-mail me. I can also come to your church and do a group presentation on the Red Bird Mission.

Please let me know if you are interested in going by December 1, 2012. Final decision by December 31, 2012.

Eileen Parton, CLM

Red Lion UMC

1545 Church Road

Bear, DE 19701

Cell phone: 302 981 0293

Church phone 302 824 1599

Mission Trip - Haiti April 1-8, 2013

We are excited at the thought of having you join us for our trip to Haiti April 1-8, 2013. We leave the day after Easter – what a great way to celebrate the Resurrected Savior! Our last trip was in April 2011, and April is a good month to be there, before it gets too terribly hot. It was still in the 90s, but bearable.

Cost: approximately $1300 per person (airfare is the variable)

Work with Haitians to help rebuild after the earthquake. All work is done thru the Methodist Church of Haiti. (construction, VBS, relationship building) No experience required.

Please contact me with any questions. Our next meeting will be Monday November 4 @ 6:30 at Ewell’s-St. Paul in Clayton, 401 West Street, Clayton DE 19938. 302.363.5351.

Kris Schonewolf